(1) 2014-2015,主持,山东省自然科学基金(培养项目),基于温度/应变率耦合效应的铝合金板料FLDs构建,6万元。 (2) 2014-2016,主持,国家自然科学基金(青年项目),基于逆向分析的铝合金板料塑性变形本构关系构建及成形极限预测,24万元。 (3) 2016-2017,主持,国家博士后科学基金(面上项目),航空铝合金板材温热冲压成形极限精确研究,5万元。 (4) 2016-2020,主持,beat365官网(威海)青年学者未来计划-轻质合金板材力学性能表征及电塑性辅助加工成形机理研究,50万元。 (5) 2017-2019,主持,钛合金板材穿孔拉伸塑性成型法三维点阵研究,30万。 (6) 2019-2022,主持,山东省自然科学基金(面上项目),镁合金板材高能电脉冲-超声辅助渐进成形机理及关键技术研究,20万。 (7) 2017-2019,主持,威海市科技局,金属双向复杂加载高低温力学测试装置研发,10万。 (8) 2013-2015,主持,企业横向,轴向剖分单级双吸离心泵的参数化CAD建模及其仿真优化,20万元。 (9) 2016-2018,主持,企业横向,碳纤维注塑工艺研发,24万元 |
发表SCI/EI收录论文30余篇,授权发明专利10项。近五年,主要代表性成果如下: 1.Experimental investigation on formability and microstructure of AZ31B alloy in electropulse-assisted incremental forming. Materials and Design, 2015. SCI 2.Dedicated linear-Voce model and its application in investigating temperature and strain rate effects on sheet formability of aluminum alloys. Materials and Design, 2015. SCI 3.Temperature and strain rate influence on AA5086 Forming Limit Curves: Experimental results and discussion on the validity of the M-K model. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, SCI 4.Research of initial dynamic recrystallisation for AZ31 alloy with pulse current. Materials Science and Technology, 2015, SCI 5.Preparation and characterization of cBN-based composites from cBN-Ti3AlC2 mixtures, Diamond and Related Materials, 2016, SCI 6.Effect of Material Thermo-viscoplastic Modeling on the Prediction of Forming Limit Curves of Aluminum Alloy 5086. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, SCI 7.Numerical simulation of incremental sheet forming with considering yield surface distortion. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, SCI 8.Effect of electropulsing treatment on microstructure and mechanical behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy sheet under argon gas protection. Vacuum, 2018, SCI 9.Effect of electropulsing on springback during V-bending of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy sheet. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, SCI 10.Experimental Investigation on Formability of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy V-Bending Under Pulse Current. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2018, SCI 11.Investigation of the Edge Crack Sensitivity of Cold Rolled Hot-Dip Galvanized DP780 Steels. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, SCI 12.Grain refinement and strength enhancing of hot extruded Mg alloy by application of electric pulse. Materials Letters, 2019, SCI |